How to Reheat Chinese Food: 4 Best Methods Story



Want to learn how to reheat Chinese food? Stick around as we share several methods…


1. How to Reheat Chinese Food Using a Stove 1. Place a frying pan over medium heat and drizzle in some oil. 2. When the pan is warm, toss in the leftover chinese food, add a splash of soy sauce. 3. This method only takes 5-8 minutes for fried rice and vegetables. Noodles will also get better when you toss them in a frying  pan and add spring onions. 4. Remove the pan from the heat and enjoy an almost fresh meal.


2. How to Reheat Chinese Food Using a Microwave 1. To keep the rice moist, place a cup of water in the microwave as you reheat your meal. 2. Aside from the cup of water trick, you can also try covering the food with a damp paper towel to steam it. 3. This process keeps the food from drying out and allows heat to distribute evenly in the microwave. 4. Repeat the process until the desired temperature is achieved.


3. How to Reheat Chinese Food Using an Oven 1. Start by preheating the oven to 325 °F or to 425 °F when you are flash reheating. 2. Cover the dish using aluminum foil, fold the edges for an airtight seal. 3. Heat the food for about 5-10 minutes until thoroughly heated. 4. For egg rolls, spring rolls, and chicken wings, wrap them in loose foil and pop them inside the oven.


4. How to Reheat Chinese Food Using a Rice Cooker 1. Use the Keep Warm setting to heat your dish. 2. You can add water in congee and season with salt and pepper to make the dish taste good. 3. Make sure that the food doesn’t dry out by adding soy sauce and water as you heat it. 4. Additionally, the rice cooker is also effective for steaming tofu, fish, and dumplings.


Reheating Chinese food is easy using basic kitchen tools. Following the methods mentioned will make leftovers taste  delicious and crispy, without the need for sophisticated equipment. Swipe up for the full article!