Popular Foods That Start With the Letter A


Are you looking for foods that start with the letter “A”? We share some great ideas in this story…


1. Alfalfa Sprouts Alfalfa sprouts are the immature shoots or sprouts that are picked off the alfalfa plant. Considered by Arabs as the “father of all foods,” alfalfa sprouts indeed have many vitamins, nutrients, and minerals.


2. Avocado This super-fruit also packs a lot of vitamins, such as B-vitamins, as well as vitamins C, E, and K. They also come with a healthy dose of copper and potassium and tons of fiber.


3. Almonds From almond butter to almond milk, almonds stand as a superfood. In fact, they have high protein and healthy fat, all while having low carbs compared to other types of nuts.


4. Anchovies If you love eating Caesar salad and pasta puttanesca, it may shock you  to find out that one of the main ingredients of these dishes is anchovies. Despite their smaller size, these fish provide umami and depth to many dishes.


If you want to immerse yourself in the world of food, make sure to jumpstart your journey with foods that start with A today. Swipe up for the full article.